Wednesday 27 July 2011


ok, how shall i start this? ok...hmm...well, first of all, there is only 26 days left in university and there's so much to do....symposium, 2 quizzes coming up, project paper presentation, internal audit test and finally FINALS!...
then with the people around u....have you ever gone through an experience whereby u know this people for 3 - 4 years and at the end you find out that they are not who you think they were....well, i just recently learned scares me to know that people i've known for almost all of my university life ( from the start) are not who they are at the end...i mean i know that people do change...but what if they are not who they are since the start...i've shared most of my university life with them and i feel like its all useless....i don't really know them...their real character....some however, are still the same....
our friendship is broken, shattered and gone....everything is gone, the joy, the laughter, the happiness...etc...everything just vanished.....its just stone cold silence surrounding us....we a strangers to each other and no more the people we used to be....i learned that some of them have qualities (bad ones) that i had no idea of my friend asked me today," will it all end here? is this how we are going to end everything?"...what can i say... i guess all we can do is to hold on the the fond memories and forget the past and move on. its hard, i know, but what to do....if this is how it ends, then no one can change it.....i just pray for one thing...Dear Lord, let the justice win in these 26 days and let the unfairness to lose in this game of life. i need this...we need this...thank you Lord.

Thursday 14 July 2011

Starting of The Month Of July....

wow, what a start of the month. Betrayals, lies, lost, pretending, silence, change...all these make a good combination for an end of something. well for me, it was the end of a friendship. For some reason, i'm not sad or angry or confused or even regret for losing this friend. My parents always told me that whatever happens, it happens for a reason and the reason is a good reason. GOD writes your fate, it is not in your hands. Always believe that everything happens for a reason and it leads to something good.
About this friend, well this person is actually quite a nice person..the only bad thing that this person has is the mouth. one thing i learned from this person is that the mouth has many functions. the most important function is to talk. it does not mean that you should talk whatever you want. ooppss...sorry my mistake...yea the mouth is yours and you can talk whatever you want....just remember NOT TO HURT ANYONE WITH YOUR SO CALLED THOUGHTFUL WORDS. remember that, what goes around comes around. When something bad happens to you like maybe one of your friend stops talking to you...instead of blaming it all on her, stop for a second and think...what was your contribution to this problem...why is she not talking to you? maybe the problem is not on her side...maybe its with you! Everytime you open your tend to hurt, automatically, i kept quiet everytime your around. But you know something, i did not realize at all that i'm keeping quiet everytime ur around....u see, my body automatically shuts my, you see the problem is with you! Don't you dare blame me fro everything...i know that you are a perfect, honestly SHUT THE F*** UP!!!!! I'm glad that ur gone...i do not feel a tiny bit of sadness for this end....Goodbye and So long!!!.....

Sunday 26 June 2011

...I don't care but i actually do....

Today is a day when i realized that no matter how much i pretend not to care i still do care about them. As much as they hurt me, i still do love them as my sisters. Today when some of them went back, i feel like i'm left alone. i know they would come back but i can't avoid this empty feelings in me. At least two of them would be back tonight. I can't wait to see them. i miss them like crazy. There's no point in hiding or pretending or fake hating them anymore. they are glued to my heart. no matter how many times i say i hate them, they just seemed to be glued to my heart even more stronger. Well, it was no lie when someone said " No Friendship Is Perfect..." weird how words can be so bloody true.